Sunday, December 25
Pix from when Chris and Darren were in sunny island; Happy times :)

Clarke Quay:
(Singapore Slings on! Touristy us :))
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Merry blessed Christmas :)

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Monday, October 3

I go back to the mail you wrote me to seek comfort in knowing all is/will be well. Then I question myself and you, the validity and truth in the words of the mail.


I just want to drown myself in legal history. My first paper is in 16 days. Legal hist tute in 5mins and thereafter I will smother myself in hist notes and die in the Link.


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Tuesday, September 20

The weather has been shit ass weird lately. It's our 3rd week into spring and it'd been real sunny since a long time ago. Just last Friday, it was again a super sunny day which saw everyone in tank tops, tube tops, board shorts flip flops and the works. James, Marie, Darren and I were sitting in the Union Caf when suddenly wham bam, it started hailing WTF.

Not even raining first to warn whatsoever. It was just snap: dark skies, snap: hail. First thing Marie did was to exclaim: Dowan laaa ....... My laundry's outside!!! See la, now spoil already.

Haha. Our initial plans of visiting Kathmandu and the Warehouse Stationery were thwarted and we had to trudge back in the cold. What a shame.

WeiPing, WeiJian, Kenneth, Darren and Myself went to the OCCA Mooncake Fest last Saturday to boost their already shamelessly huge ego after Malam Malaysia the Saturday before last - 10 Sept. Anyway to put it simply, it sucked big time and the only good stuff was dinner during intermission which lasted a good whole hour heeh. ONE HOUR INTERMISSION!

Just little things could've made the whole show heaps better but nooooo, you've got people peeking behind the curtains when someone else was performing and taking PICTURES from behind the stage so you get bouts of flashes in your eyes. You've got the people in the control room using a cd to cover the projector everytime they didn't have to use it so the whole room suddenly lights up like crazy. I mean physics hello. Using a cd to cover the projector so it can reflect back at you? That's kinda funny. And both them emcees were taking the opportunity to flirt on stage or something.

Oh yeah and we got free lanterns too :D

It's been hailing the whole freaking weekend and finally last night, it snowed! For a bit but nonetheless. It was freezing asses.

Approx 3 more weeks till lectures cease and exams begin. Scary shit. Haven't booked our accomodation for Chch, so screwed! Case has been keeping me real busy, heaps of readings. I'll miss Case and Mark when lectures end this semester.

Pooey I'm off.

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Monday, September 5

Am sittin in the lib now trying to take a breather. Altho we just had our mid-sem break last week, just feels as if everyone's been so busy we haven't really had time to just sit and breathe, strange as it may sound.

Just had Case tutorial at 10am. Vanessa ended the tut at 20 past 10 coz she apparently "didn't think the tut would be that short" and would be preparing more for the same tut on Thursday for a different class coz she is "very sorry, nothing more to teach you guys" .. *$^#&&^%

I had to get up so fricking early on a Monday morning especially when it's the first day back at Uni after a good albeit tiring week's break (irony).

Been up-to-my-neck busybusybusy with everything although would have loved to take the week long mid-sem break just to rest. Initially planned to go up to Queenstown with the hun and the rest of OMSA for the ski trip, only we'll just be sipping hot chocolate by the cafs whilst they ski. But decided not to in the end and just retire in sunny Dunedin for the week and prepare for Malam Malaysia this coming Saturday.

Had to frickin sew our own costumes .. which after it's (almost) done now, it's kinda amazing how a crummy piece of cloth before magically turned itself into dance costumes for us now, of course with much help by Marie and Angeline who machine sewed the cloths together for us after we'd hemmed sides up and pleats and .. a lot of other random things. Very tiring. Now on to sewing sequins on. A fricking hassle.

Very tired. Been planning Darren's surprise bbq from more than a week ago before the skiers went up to Queenstown for their little holiday and some ski fun. Been texting and stuff and when they finally returned to Dunedin on Friday midnight all sore and tired, I made Kenneth get up early Saturday morning to go to the market with me to get the awesome cake from the bakers, ONLY (!!!!), as we heard from the other vendors, the baker Reese decided that he was too busy in his own shop at Hillside he doesn't want to come to the market on Saturdays anymore.

Standing in the middle of the little make shift market I just couldn't believe what I heard, it was really like, you're kidding me aye??? What more his shop was in South Dunedin and you couldn't just go pick a cake up, you had to PRE-order it. Ended up getting the cake from Il Panificio the Italian bakery along George St. THEN we had to go get more chicken and food and Raro and sent just about a million texts to everyone to make sure our plans wouldn't be thwarted coz holding a bbq at his place w/o him actually finding out is no joke. I had to collaborate with a lot of people, some I never dreamt I'd ever text in a million years like his smelly flatmate Evan whom I had to rely on so much in the end coz he was getting the bbq pit for me from Arana. Thank God for free text weekend :D:D:D

What made it worse was when Darren shocked the heck out of me by tellin me he was getting the guys over on Saturday to film AT his place- of all places raaah!!! Plans were for them to stop filming at 4.30, for James to lure him to Harvey Norman, for everyone else to come by quart past 5, for me to go pick him up from town after James dumps him and for us to go home.

It was weird when suddenly at half past 4, WeiPing says he'd got to pick WeiJian up and suddenly Kenneth wants to go home to change (WTH??) so they both left .. to pick me and the food up from my flat where the curry's been brewing and the the chicken marinading all afternoon (ok not really).

At 136, texts were flying all over and James couldn't get Darren out of the house becoz he's so stubborn and intent on waiting for WeiPing to get back so they can start filming again which was annoying coz then WE couldn't get into the house. Oh yeah and I'd stolen his keys the night before and I think that really peed him off coz he had to keep looking for something that never was there, knowing that if he'd really misplaced it this time round, he'd have to pay a hefty $60 to Arana ...

ANYWAYS. James and Darren gone, we got a ride up to his flat with WeiPing, Kenneth and I started getting things ready when not long after when I was still taking my time slicing the stupid baguette, James texts and informs us that Darren'll be back in 3mins WTH again haha ... Silly boy's impatient with everything and just wants to return home. WeiPing the main camera man had to tell him he wouldn't be able to get back till 6ish. That stalled him for a bit more at Starbucks where James lured him for coffee, and before at the two-four when James wanted to get some ciggies and ended up reading mags with Aiman in there for some time HAHA.

Almost flew to town in a frenzy after dedicating jobs to the girls who'd arrived telling them where what were, texting and texting James. Had never been more tired and so worried that his keys'd fall outta my coat pocket coz I said I didn't have them rahrah.

Was "supposed" to go to Asian for dinner but got "pissy" so we went back instead, even passing up the chance to go to New World. Got back and went thru by the sliding doors route, only for James to call out to Darren behind a wooden fence and to down him with buckets of water, for more people to burst through the sliding doors all "SURPRISE"sy and stuff with more more MORE bowls jugs pails and buckets of water and basically anything that could retain water in it. THAT- I did not see coming.

Funny how when Darren was in the showers cleaning up, James kept telling everyone how pissed he (Darren) was when he downed him with water. "WAH. He really was damn pissed la! Like want to hit me or something!" HAHAHA. Only he wouldn't hit anyone and he was pissed coz he thought how much worse could his day get .. he'd thought it was some random like Chad or sth throwing water at him either by mistake or out of pure random fun. Then when he realized it was James he'd wanted to kick him for ditching him suddenly at Starbucks and coming all the way to his flat just to throw water at him.

Intuition that something might go wrong with the bbq, somehow or the other, that James might forget the gas tank, or WeiPing forgetting the bbq set and jerrycan for the Raro but noooooo everything was there I was so proud of the guys. Honestly love them SO much for putting everything together. Even Evan brought the pit up for me from Halfway House and left it at B-frame. Was so sure he was gonna say something stupid to Darren like, "This is the bbq pit for your surprise bbq party! Tell Cheryl I'm leaving it at B-frame!" Joe cooked Pad Thai for us, the girls garlic-buttered the bread so nicely and baked them in the oven.

ONLY ... the bbq pit gas thingamagig didn't fit with the gas tank and we couldn't get the thing working so we ended up cooking everything in the oven which was sweet nonetheless :)

So pooped at the end of the day. And I realized that as a kid you get toys, when you grow older you STILL get toys. We're always giving and receiving dodgy toys from kinky shops haha ..

Lil things that made Darren's day feel all wrong and weird
#1 His keys go missing when they definitely WERE there all along
#2 Cheryl turns him down for lunch (When has THAT ever happened?!)
#3 Joe takes a pan, prawns and other misc ingredients to Dow's flat
#4 WeiPing has to leave halfway to pick WeiJian up (??!)
#5 Kenneth leaves to go home to CHANGE (?????!!)
#6 Whilst filming at the field, Evan wheels a bbq past them ..
#7 James insisting on taking Darren to Harvey Norman
#8 James and Aiman luring Darren to the two-four to get ciggies only to end up reading mags
#9 James asking Darren out for COFFEE (very weird indeed)
#10 James asking Aiman to leave Starbucks randomly and Aiman being so blur all the time anyway just goes, "Huh why do I have to go also?? Huh? OHHHHH Ok."
#11 Cheryl doesn't want to go to New World
#12 Cheryl suddenly develops a tummyache and wants to go back to poo
#13 Cheryl nudges Darren over to the sliding doors entry when we normally do not enter the flat via the side doors ..

Quote "My day just felt VERY weird. But I was out of sync anyway after losing my keys in the morning .."


The slave driver has rehersals everyday from tomorrow right up to his huge MM05 day on Saturday .. and turns a big 2-0 tomorrow :D

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Thursday, August 25

Pooh I'm so stressed. Have got a whole big case to finish reading before the practice test tonight which doesn't count for anything WHICH REALLY ANNOYS ME. Final exam for laws accounts for 100% which is well, everything. Bowen's case is frickin long.

Am startin to lose whatever confidence I had in myself.

Attempted to take a short one hour nap last night and do an all-nighter but to no avail. The "short one hour nap" resulted in me getting up at 11ish this morning, much to my horror.

Bowen's case is going to be a pain in my butt. I still have Rylands v Fletcher to revise for.

Yarn I understand your pain and torture and stressed is so NOT "just desserts spelt backwards" and never will be. I want to be a brandytree. Hey by the way did you realize heaps of people in LJ's got some tree username? Ie, (insert weird name)tree. I found that rather amusing. Maybe it's a new trend or something.

CHIN132 test today.

Mid-sem break's just about this weekend! Which made me realize (and I'm saying this for the 4687776th time) that as cliched as it is, time flies ass fast! It's already been 7 weeks since semester break and Darren up to Auckland's Bersatu Games. Seven whole weeks just zoomed past I suppose coz we had heaps of events running alongside too so that's prolly why.

Initially was intending to go up to Queenstown with the rest of the ski trip people for a nice wintery break. But it hit me that I haven't got much time left before my first paper so I'll just look forward to Christchurch which's gonna be a blast, after exams and all. Yipeeyay.

Received the application to 2nd year law yesterday at lecture. Pooh.

Med Review last night was really funny. They kept jacking the Dent students and how it's made up of heaps of Asians. Hahaha ... NICK.

News Reporter: The recent Tsunami saw (blahblahblahblah what everyone has been doing to help rahrahrah) and the Otago Medical School has set up a fundraising program ... the Otago Dentistry School has sent in replacement Asians.

Frickin crack up.

Ookie back to Bowen.

*7 days to spring :)
Winter has been lovely this year.

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Wednesday, August 24

OMSA AGM 13 August
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ZhiLing & I!

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Head of Economic Bureau (ooh flash!) stepping down aww ..

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WeiPing and I; I don't know why this pic is so funny but it is

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WeiPing ZhiLing and I :D

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Darren and I! :D

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The guys kung-fu fighting on rolly chairs on the newly polished Castle 1 floors
Result: heaps of scratches and a stare from the technician who probably saw us from the cctv :S

WeiMian's 25th at Asian!
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WeiMian and I! :D

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ZhiLing Cheryl WeiMian HweeYeng & Cindy

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ZhiLing and I! :D

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The whole lot of us!: WeiJian ZhiLing Kenneth Cheryl Darren WeiMian Cindy HweeYeng ThianChee Angeline JenLin WeiPing and someone

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ZhiLing and I

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And again!

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Testin the new cammy out

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International Food Fest; WeiPing Darren Cheryl Cindy ZhiLing at the awesome OMSA stall :D
Go us the pro speedy speedy ice-kachang makers who went on like a frickin factory, WP ZhiLing and meself yaaay! :D:D

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Monday, August 22

(since I can't get to you in any way):

Miss you heaps tooooooo laa you haven't chaoed me in such a long time alr!
I'm coming back soon!

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Finally got the air ticket sorted out. Am VERY relieved + happy + happy + happy.
Was worried for a coupla reasons, the bus to Chch and flight from Chch-Auckland not being able to match and stuffs like that which NOW that I look at it, was really rather unnecessary.

Went for law tute at 10, bummed in the lib till 12ish, went to check the busses to Chch out, lunched, then to the Air NZ office and THEN I realized I'd forgot to take my e-ticket reference number along and they couldn't do anything. Ran all the way home from the Octagon (not funny). Was sweating like crazy coz the office closes at 5 and I kinda wanted to get it sorted out today. With the bus and everything.

Got home and did it via phone rahrahrah and taa-daa! Ticket to sunny island for memememememeee!

Thanks heaps Mum and Darren! :D

Will see you guys soon then .. go hard at exams! ;)

Did lotsa laughable stuffs today which really triggered Darren's eyes off to be constantly on the eye-rolly mode whatever whatever. Bestie everything.

Hi bub! :D

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Exams are in approx 2 months, in fact my first paper's in less than 2 months' time so ummm yeah. The library's been real crowded lately coz everyone's starting to mug hard out and I must say this exam is extremely crucial and will possibly be the most impt one ever, EVER.

Not some stupid PSLE or um, I can't think of anything else relatively important. 5th and 6th forms NCEA I suppose but not really either so ..

2 months to read and engrave 2000 pages worth of law into my thick skull .. and all that useless moral/ethical accounting shit, and statements and all and all and .. all. Pooh.

Last paper's 07NOV after which we'll be off to Chch for 2 nights by the 5-hour long bus on 10NOV coz I need to visit a shop aaaaannnnddd ..

And I'll appear in SGP sometime soon :D

Real pooh how I ended real early for exams last semester and everyone else who ended eons after I did ends so crap early this time round. Frickin Health Sci mugger toads end 28OCT. Asses. Even ZhiLing ends 01NOV. POOOOOOOOOOOOOH.

Just as well, I've got approx a week after my first LAWS paper before the 2nd one comes along. Darren ends 10NOV.

All the best then, to you Alevel happypeople, Busary happypeople, Uni happypeople and the young ones taking I don't know, seconday 1 exams or somethin. Yes you my looter bro ;) (Are there even exams ??)

Exam people are happy people yay!

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Wednesday, August 10

Am so hungry! Am at the lib now waitin for the hun to come so we can go home and have dinner.

Neways. Quote of the day from EVAN (Darren's smelly flatmate). Ok not really quote, more like conversation:

Evan (to Leah): Do you like Bio-Chem?
Leah: Yeah I kinda do .. I just got my book today!
Evan: What colour is it?
Leah: Yellow?
(more silence)
Leah: Yellow, blue and red to be specific. Yeah and I'm so sure that told you so much about the contents of the book.
(Leah goes back to her room)
Evan (to Tony and Debbie): Why do I always ask stupid questions???

Haha yeah he's actually getting quite funny. So stupid it's funny. I mean you could've asked something like was the book good or something but noooooooo you ask what COLOUR the book is. HEEHEEHEE.

Went to Vol1 this afternoon to (finally) get my Fin Acct book. It's a whole heap cheaper than if you'd got it from the University Bookshop instead. Whoopie!

Anyhoo. Was doing some printing just before Chin lect here in the lib and somehow it got mucked up so I was meant to send it to the swipe card printers where they'd print it off again for free for mememememememmeeeeee. The default lib swipe card is really awesome. It's kept chained and locked in the cupboard thingamagig under the printers and every swipe of it shows a credit of $9999.99! Got it mucked up again the 2nd time round and after a lot of paper wastage, I finally got my notes! Was also mighty late for lect hoho .. stupid Chin. Was sittin at the back with this Jappo girl who kept nodding off even when we were having dictation heh! And when we were leaving she was so sleepy she packed my pens up together into her pencil case with her eyes shut. Literally had to pluck them off her hand. Some Chin time amusement. Don't know what's up with her tho, she's ALWAYS frickin napping during Chin lects aye ..

Hungry mungry. The hun's cookin steak tonight yipeeyay. Ooooohhhh and our COOL Sony pendrives came in the mail today all the way from I don't know where but thanks heapssssssssssss and heaps and heaps and mountains and heaps and mountains and sawdust and confetti and rain and snow and thank you heaps for everything else, EVER. <3

Speaking of snow, it was real icy out there this morning when I went for law tut! One of those hooboy-shit-it's-so-icy-I-almost-slipped-AGAIN-damnyou situations. Many situations heh. Yeah so I had to be walking alone and all that .. with my snowboots that obviously aren't doing much but weeeeeeelllll ... Sun kinda came back out so most of the icy um, ice melted by the time law tut ended .. YAY!

OH MY GAWD. My trusty friend Esmond just told me he saw our (seriously-out-of-pointedly-stupid) video clip from Otago last night on the National Day celebrations! Holy .. holy! Never knew it was gonna make it back there, let alone up on national telly. HAHA. Suckers. "KIA ORA HAPPY BDAY SGP" Yeah whatever.

I've gotta see that .. it should be funny, especially when we had many takes coz it was taken near the main road where cars and stuff were passing .. by the stone wall outside St David's. O well.

Can't wait to go home to open the new pendrive thingamagig! It looks so pretty but Darren's got the peenk one poooh.

Sistah sold me out .. so not flatting with her and her intellectual & intimidating smart panties MED friends next year. I'd rather be happy and freezing in 136, or wherever my flatties take me next year :D Or .. whatever it is.

5.42 and hungry. Yet another legal opinion due this Friday. Just found out today at tut. Pooooooiiiii. CAL lab calls.

Burns, here I come!

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Tuesday, August 9

Haven't been online in crap ages .. ie, haven't actually been in the lib for a pretty long time. 2 days maybe? Don't know aye.

Sittin in the Central Lib now with my big ring binder full of Case notes opened wide in front of me but not attempting whatsoever to even read it. Am quite annoyed atm. Heaps of decisions to make re: flatting 2006. Lotsa stuffs to see to, to consider and whatevershitelse there is. Flatting is a hassle and fricking Study Link is so frickin stingy. ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Am on a tight budget. JUST BECAUSE.

Anyway, exam timetables are out so yeah.

CHIN132 190CT

2 Laws papers 3 hours each PLEHHHHHhhhhhhh. The Legal Hist tuts have been doing me a lot of good. I have never learnt so much, so much more in one single tut than I ever have learnt in all the lectures I've been to. That says a lot aye. The Case/Statutes tuts on the other hand, aren't as productive but I guess that's ok too. Darren ends 10 Nov so that's quite sweet.

Last Sunday saw the International Food Fest at the Union Hall .. heaps and heaps of food, only we didn't get to have anything coz we were too busy mending the OMSA stall! Yay! Wei Ping, Zhi Ling and I were seeing to the ABC booth (ice kachang really), and we kept running outta stuffs. First the creamed corn, then condensed milk, evaporated milk, then ICE (HAHA), all at different intervals. Initially, the ice shaver we had was giving us lotsa shit coz it just wouldn't go. Then after 2 bowls in a span of 15mins shaving 2 teeny bowls of ice, it broke down and died on us. GUTTED AYE.

Our lil booth shut down for a bit whilst the guys contemplated getting a blender or something but it just wouldn't be the same. And as Zhi Ling would put it, we commercialised the little family-of three-weekend-ice-shaving-activity maker lol. Who should come save our asses but Sarah who came with the COOL ice-shaver that apparently OMSA has been using for the past 2 years. Pray tell what it might've been doing sitting around in her garage that's mmm ... something to ponder over.

The other side of the OMSA stall which sold nasi tomato and ayam masak merah (however you spell it) sold out real quick!! :D:D End of the day, OMSA made heaps of money as always, coz it is just so awesome :D just like how all the food ran out so quickly at Hari Kantin.

Cultural Parade the Sunday before to kick start International Week was a chilly event but smashing nonetheless. Got to see my pretty flatties in their baju kurungs. Got to hold the flag too yaaaaaay. Ok so there wasn't a contingent sent in by Sgp so what the heck aye.

Market Night, another funny event where OMSA sold close to nothing coz prolly there wasn't anything up for sale anyway. Wei Ping went up for the cake eating competition and obviously won it .. haha ... won the SAME chocolate pound cake too! Next competition where we kept forcing Darren and Kenneth up coz we thought it was an intellectual comp, or an apple eating one .. whooo close shave. It was the fastest to finish eating a raw onion. WTFFFFFFF .... *Russell Peters you-want-to-eat gesture* Contestants were seen close to tears up on stage haha suckers!!!

Anyways, OMSA AGM this Saturday so whoever's reading this and if it's of any importance to you, vote for the awesome committee 2005-006! Yippeedoodlesyayiyayyyyyy.

Lib lights fickering. Am off soon.

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Wednesday, July 20

Weird shit .. now even when I don't experience those electric shock things, I THINK I do. And before I ever knew Darren I never had one. It's the Kathmandu bedroom slippers honestly .. Rubbing off all the electrons or whatever it is. Causing me an electric shock (or what's that called really???) everytime I touch metal. Raaaaaah!!

Am finished for the day yaaaay. No more tuts for this week so no more 10am starts yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Acctg's cancelled again for Thursday so I start at 3pm tomorrow and am only down for Chin tute on Friday! Weekend's almost here! I've got so much readings and a new research to do. Busy busy. Would appreciate the weekend :D:D

Spent lunch and after at Clubs and Sox at the OMSA um .. shop haha, waiting for more people to register for the ski trip and the Almost Amazing Race this Saturday. There were quite a few people today! ^^ Was just sittin around with Wei Ping and Kenneth discussing pink flamingoes and ostriches and all and WOW I never knew you could ride an ostrich. **AMAZING**

Never knew flamingoes/ostriches had frickin WINGS!!! Never knew they could fly! Oh my gosh I'm so thick .. Kenneth says I've got to go to the zoo more often. He's ridden an ostrich before and I think that's quite cute ^^ I found out it's the wings you grab, not the neck (you might strangle it to death I'd expect ..) I'd like to have a pink flamingo as a pet so I could put it on a leash and take it out on walks. So what do you reckon the diameter of a pink flamingo's leash would be? 3cm? I don't know aye. Darren isn't very keen for me to have a pink flamingo as a pet so he's trying (very hard indeed) to get me a motorized pink flamingo instead. I am very stoked. I asked what colour he'd like his pink flamingo to be and he said orange. That kinda defeats the purpose of having a pink flamingo but I suppose we could do that :)

I did tell Kenneth I'd paint a pink flamingo blue JUST FOR HIM now isn't that so nice of me. And I'd like to have 2 pink flamingoes to ride on so if one breaks (like really, breaks under the weight of me), I'd still have the other. I haven't really thought about what might happen if the second one breaks as well but that will come later. Am hoping Darren really gets me a motorized one that's able to put up with my weight.

My apartment in future will NOT have random flamingo ornaments nor flamingo statues randomly dotting my house. Nor the balcony or garden or whichever. So I don't actually know what I'm gonna do with my pink flamingo when I get one. Motorized or otherwise.

I am very happy and I do not sound stressed. I really do wish for a pink flamingo. I have heaps of law readings to do and I shall head home now and wait for dinner to be cooked for memememememememememe. THANK YOU HEAPS DARREN :))))

Am pooped and energyless to cook tonight but will always be up to cut the Hari Kantin food coupons nice/neatly/prettily for dear OMSA in front of the telly. Grey's Anatomy on tonight and yaaay!

I love case analysis! I am very excited :D

And I am very blessed to have dinner all nice and ready w/o having to lift a finger <3<3<3!!!!

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Tuesday, July 19

Gosh .. I can't believe I got up so early this morning just to make it for Accounting make-up tutorial since I couldn't make it yesterday. THEN I had to wait for the showers and henceforth was short of time and was in a bit of a rush. Hurriedly chooped off to Commerce and to cut long story short, Accounting tut was just a frickin waste of my time and the tutor was so frickin anal.

So we had to do research for a week and get up bright and early to go for tutorial just to discuss our findings. I don't like Toni and I'm never going for the 10am tut on Tuesdays anymore.

I'm so tired :O


Yet Tyng's big 21st yesterday! Dinner was an enormous event, with a 8/9kgish massive-as cake baked by the girls the night before .. all through till 3 in the morning at Darren's. The whole flat basically smells of bakings now so eeeeeeyeeeah I'm getting real sick of baked chiffon & chocolate mudcake whatever whatever.

Tired and cranky.

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Thursday, July 14

Ooh shitzey .. I'm in the Central Lib now attempting to do me research for Accounting and freezing at the same time it's nutty aye .. Never knew this frickin place could be that cold but that's prolly coz of where I'm sitted. Not good.

It's Clubs Day 2 today!! ^^ Was at OMSA's booth for a bit .. it kinda went slow in the beginning but after ZhiLing came along, she recruited OMSA's first new member of the day - Wee! Who got annoyed at her as he was desperately tryin to fill the 2 forms in whilst she yabbered on and on in his ear about forming a team of 3 for the (almost) Amazing Race :)

Lovely day tho .. lectures started at 3 for me coz Accounting was cancelled :D Sweeeeeet.

ZhiLing got the entire 223B to join OMSA which was a great achievement seeing as how they're well, 223B, our 136 counterpart, cheapo hunnies :D* Tommy and Sam cheated Jack to pay their membership fee for them, and that set him back by $15, 3 bowls of combination soup from Apsara!! Poor Jack.

Also made an amazing discovery today - how the reason why I can't seem to find the referencing to the case analysis lectures is coz I haven't actually gone to get my HEAP of notes, which the rest have already last semester COZ case analysis started last sem after Donna's legislation and for some reason I just didn't know. Which sucks. Coz I've missed approx 3/4 case analysis lectures and there aren't any poperpoint slides to go check out .. or whatever it is. Sucks. SUCKS. Now I've got lotsa reading to do and yeah that just plain sucks. :(

Don't know aye ... how could I have been so stupid and deluded to think that all law lectures and tutorials have stopped right till sem 2 started, after Donna finished on legislation. HOW COULD I? Yeah and I've also missed 4 law tutorials, 3 last sem and 1 this week coz apparently there still is law tutorial even tho nothing else has tuts in the first week of sem. So how come we've got a frickin 2 hour Chin tut tomorrow? Raaaaaaaah.

I'm so cold.
Back to me research.

Oh and I've got my little pink blinkie blinking again! Whooptidoo! Am elated :DD*

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Tuesday, July 12

Quick post before I head off to New World to get some stuffs and get a free ride home heehee.

I realized the clocks in Castle 1 never seem to work. Or they just crawl exceedingly slow. Or maybe it's just Nigel's lectures. And yeah it completely slipped my mind how it's meant to be Nigel's lecture today!! Which explains the minimal amount of people at lect. Either everyone's decided to flag Legal Hist forever .. or it's just coz fewer people are streamed into the 4pm lect than the 2pm one. Ah whatever.

He's gotton funnier tho. And I'm not sure if anyone really caught it but he (finally) told us the reason of him pacing the lect theatres all the time, something he made us guess, with a reward of 50 buckeroosies - completely random. What's quite irrelevant and more random is the reason to WHY he actually paces the hall - coz he was once a cop.

... ????

Heeheehee :D:D:D

I'm just really excited! It's my first day back at uni today! ^^

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Unlike most, sem 2 only started for me as of TODAY. Coz my timetable's really sweet this sem and I'm scheduled for only an hour's tutorial each on Mondays and Fridays which makes my weekend preeeeeeeety long :D Stoked***

Felt so cheated today. Twice too. I was meant to have lunch with Jen at 2 but after checking and re-checking me timetable last night I realized I've got nothing on after my 12noon Acct lect all thru till 3! Sooooo .. rescheduled our lunch to 1. Halfway thru Acct I realized the lecture was for TWO frickin hours. TWO. Oh man .. so there WAS a reason for lunch at 2. Pooh. Was purely admin for the first hour and some real political new stuffs for the next. Acct102's real weird aye ... You would think she'd give us an hour off our first 2 hour lecture of the sem but noooooo .. she went full on for the 2 frickin hours but it went by pretty quickly so no qualms about it. Altho guy next to me might've got annoyed at how restless I was. Fidgety.

Went for lunch with Jen, had a nice chat but I kinda had to rush coz I had Chin132 at 3 so there wasn't much time. Rushed heaps, got to Burns on the dot at 3 and lo and behold! Note stuck on the door announcing the cancellation of 132 today. Suckass. I would've had more time to do stuffs, chat and STROLL back to campus so here I am now anyway.

BLOGGABLE EVENT (Darren insists I blog this coz it's a once-in-a-lifetime event/experience/whatever you might wanna call it): He cooked me a full on dinner last night, redwine-and-garlic-sauced steak potatoes and greens with lovely mushroom sauce, complete with a really artistic strawberry gelato, frozen lemon yoghurt + timtams and almond fingers work of art. He never fails to amaze me aye.

AWESOME DINNER, loved it heaps and I was sooooo stuffed I was pretty sure I ain't gonna make it for lunch today but lookie what happened, heh :D Yeah but see, since it's a once-in-a-lifetime-event/experience/thingy, he's not gonna cook me dinners until I fall ill or sth. Coz yeah. One of those I-pretend-I-can't-cook-but-in-fact-I-damn-well-cook-great-dinners-ONLY-when-I-really-absolutely-have-to. Hahaha .. loveeeee.

Have got Law in approx 12mins' yipee doodles ^^ can't wait can't wait yaaaay.


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Sunday, July 3

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Saturday, July 2

SO, after a failed attempt to dine with the flattie and her Oz-visitin cuzzie, and the realisation that Flying Squid was actually open (!!!!) laziness got the better of me and I headed there instead. My sis is right, I should really flat somewhere nearer to Unipol and further away from Flying Squid next year.

Which is kinda surprising (this is of no relevance to flatting or Unipol), Flying Squid re-opened just after a coupla days after stickin a sign up announcing its closure over the Winter break. I'm sure Majikan and wife got bored outta their hair roots too and decided they'd rather be selling feesh and chups to the world :D rather than staying at home and yelling at each other. Or counting the number of dust mites in the air. Which is fine by me. I'm happy.

I'm happy coz it's finally SATURDAY today, and really as I type this, half of Saturday's already gone, which means Monday's fast approaching whooptidoo! ^^

Spent the entire yesterday bummin in the lounge at Darren's watchin the idiot box. ALONE. Clawing for more telly progs to watch .. and I'm proud to announce I watched heaps of Big Brother yesterday!! Heehee. New housemates, bitch/cat fights and ooh how very excitement! I love Big Brother!

Had me Friday night entertainment with the idiot box alone too coz .. yeah coz I'm sad and lonely, went for my hot spa (ok nah hot shower with heaps of steam heehee) and whilst waitin for You've Got Mail to come on, caught the bball match between Auckland Stars and Nelson Giants which resulted in a cool 84-54. So frickin annoying, I'm just tryin to surf the Stars' site but heaps of pix aren't comin out which is gettin on my nerves.

Anyhoo, finally it was 35 past midnight, time for You've Got Mail! ^^ Ooh speaking of which this weekend's packed with lotsa awesome movies on free tv! Am excited! Several reasons! And will continue to wait in great anticipation .. XD

Halfway thru the movie Darren rang so it was really sweet! And he just did again so yaaaaaay :))))) Hah. Smitten kitten.

Am stuck in A-Frame alone with EVAN for the next coupla days till Darren returns which really sucks coz he freaks me out a lil and last night when I was in utmost desperation tryin to frickin HEAR what was going on in the movie even after having cranked up the vol, stupid Evan was chatting so loudly in Canto over the phone .. raaaaaahhhh. Yeah ok I'm mean and biased but he freaks me out. You don't go into the bathroom to pee when someone else' in there brushing her teeth OR much less slide the door open only to find out someone else' in there taking a shit. Weeeeeeeeell heellloooo .. there IS a reason why the door's slide shut. PERHAPS THERE MIGHT BE SOMEONE IN THERE??!

Yeah ok I'm biased. He's just Evan.

ZhiLing's off to Melbourne today with her cuzzie!! I've seen her a grand totale of ONE day in 2 weeks. Raahhh. Had a lovely chat with the flatties on Thursday night too :D:D Discovered something well, really hilarious which left us both in steeeches.

Off to meet the sis! :D

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Thursday, June 30

It's gotta be like frickin ages since I last posted but that's just coz I've been lazy doing nothing basically bummin around, eating and watching dvds heehee. And when I finally decide to quit being lazy, my keyboard at home stuffs up on me and goes insane so I can't type on it anymore whoopee! It's really my fault for being so incredibly dumbt .. coz there IS a reason why you're told never to eat/drink near a commy .. but who really listens to that right? (Um I'm not the only one right .. RIGHT? *shifty eyes*) So whilst waiting for Darren's Psyc paper to end one fine morning, I decide to make a collage, putting all my pretty pix together over a mug of lemon tea and WHAM-BAM! Got overly excited and it all kinda went into the keyboard ..

It was alright for a bit but has gone all nutty even WITHOUT touchin it. The stupid start button keeps poppin up and down I got quite annoyed I decided to unplug it from the cpu. So basically I'm just able to navigate around with my mouse now MANY APOLOGIES to people whose mails I've yet to reply to. Am at the Central Lib now and will do so pronto! :D (ok maybe not pronto .. am startin to get hungry! Dinner with the flattie!)

Darren's up at Auckland and seems like the whole OMSA's in Auckland or something, the whole of 223b Leith St's up at Palmy and the rest of the Asians in Dunedin are in the lib haha. Bored outta my frickin hair roots aye. Dunedin's real quiet at night without the usual drunkies, which is a nice change for some time. I've got approx 1.5 more weeks left of me winter hollys before sem 2 begins. Pooter.

We had to do this crappy shoot for a NDP005 vid thingamagig last I don't know, Thursday or somethin and it was pretty corny. "Kia Ora! Happy Bday Singapore! *cheers real excitedly*" I was pretty much forced into it since all the other enthusiastic people have gone to Sgp over the Winter break and Michelle was desperate, having been given the suckass task of filming a short (stupid) vid clip for NDP. So yeah, I'm only saying this coz if you do happen to catch that short corny clip sent all the way from Otago Uni during NDP,


And if you do see Darren the I'm-so-not-Singaporean in the clip too, well yeah, I did mention they were really short of people and as Michelle put it, she wouldn't have called me if the other people were around coz she knew I wouldn't do something like that .. also the reason why she spared me from doing the individual lil short clips of "WHAT I MISS ABOUT SINGAPORE". That would've been funny ..

Ponders .. ponders .. ponders .. um how about nothing?!

And also, it was frickin 11 in the morning, was still holdin onto me GOOD-MORNING-CHERYL-WAKEY-WAKEY(!!) cup of coffee from Darren. Only shows how enthusiastic I was. Ah well .. quit laughing at me. I hope the cd gets lost in the unrealiable mail.

I'm real tempted to steal the lib's keyboard, even though it doesn't type as nicely but what the heck.

WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS!!!!! May Monday come soon and I hope Flying Squid opens soon too. Closed without any warning whatsoever!! How rude. And I was craving for fish and chips the other day too. BOOO.

OOkie anyways ZhiLing and cuzzie are waiting for me to have dinner now-ish so Imma fly to the Octagon now even tho it's so frickin far but she says I need the exercise. Ok that sucks.

Ok bye!

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Tuesday, June 14


Been crap ages ..! Am in the Central Lib now just done with CHIN131!!! Left once the it hit half past 10 coz that's when we were allowed to leave .. an hour into the frickin long paper. WTH? Translating an entire story into Mando that's nutty and so frickin long winded aye .. well two down and I've got my last paper this afternoon at half past 2 and I'll be done .... !!!! Not forever unforchly. But done for sometime till eoys come by once again ^^

Lookin forward to a great winter break altho almost my whole flat's gonna be gone, Nick and Wendy have just left on the overnight bus to Chch last night and they're somewhere in the clouds now on their way to Msia :(:( ZhiLing's off to Queenstown with her cuzzie who's down from OZ (ooh rhymin!), Yet Tyng's off to camp and Auckland after for some pharm internship which sucks real bad coz I'll miss all of them!!! My sis' off to Greymouth and then to Chch for a .. med thingamagig whatever it was and DARREN's off to Auckland for Bersatu end of June SNIFFLES!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(

Um .. cry me a river!!

So instead of going to Chch too, I'm stuck here in (SUNNY) Dunedin. Sucks aye.

Gonna be half past 11 soon! Darren's outta POLS exam wheeee :D:D:D !!!!!

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Monday, June 6

Being really dumbt right, I JUST discovered the most amazing thing yesterday, that my pix in my phone aren't gonna be trapped there forever! So via infra-red, they're all on me comp now which is so awesome! Yeah I'm crap slow but what the heck aye ;)

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CNY at Hume Park

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Got an eye rolly for this :P

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Darren & I

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Overnight at the DND Hosp A&E dept .. A night trip to the hospital! :D

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And one would think we're sadistic being overly happy at a hosp

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Chucked into the Quiet Room coz we were too noisy bummin outside the Equiptment Room and the Disaster Room. Funny!

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Emm & I; CNY at Woodgrove!

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Matt & I; CNYing, sick of visitin coz we can't be arsed with the rellies X)

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Pic of the semester! Hilarious .. I LOVE! <3 Two of my favouritest people :)))NICK AND WENDY!

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Waning & I; approx 3 weeks into SUNNY DUNEDIN!

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Yet Tyng & I; Mother to be with heaps of motherly love. :))**

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ZhiLing at the hosp with one of the many party hats around we soon found out after Thian Chee was discharged, how they're meant for patients to barf in .. LOL. Nicely done. The hosp's like a party place with party hats and jelly .. um jelly stuffs. Gloves and all! Huge tanks of soap! Ensuite too :D

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ZhiLing & I before the International Dance Party at the Vatican which bleddy sucked X(


And like little kids, we skipped home happily after an overnight trip/excursion to the Dunedin Hospital. Rather insightful I'd say heehee, altho my poor flattie was dying in bed till a good 3 hours later when a doc FINALLY attended to her. Talk about A&E aye .. And arsey nurses who walk around with mugs of coffee in their hands and tellin us to pee off coz they're "busy". BUSY INDEED.

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Sunday, June 5

9.57am and we're finally home on this Sunday morning. Spent the past 8 hours or so at the A&E department of the hosp. Approx 1am when ZhiLing and I were still fooling around in my room about to leave to watch Eurotrip at Darren's, Waning comes in to tell us Thian Chee's lying on the floor unable to move and in much pain. Decided to call for the ambulance, only none of us knew what the number was which was um, not cool. Our med student, the only one who knew the number to the ambulance was also the one dying on the floor ..

Got a ride in the ambulance with ZhiLing which was pretty rad ^^ only there weren't sirens and speeding vans coz it was almost 2 and the roads were clear. Drats. St John's people were really nice tho .. got to the hosp in less than 5 minutes and she was wheeled into a room. Went out to meet up with Darren and wasn't let back into the restricted area so ZhiLing was stuck in there whilst I was fidgity out there being the worst whiny bitch, EVER for the next coupla hours .. felt really bad for Darren coz I was being such a crabby arse who wouldn't keep still for 2 minutes. Am so sorry!

Finally ZhiLing comes out with the intention of texting me thinkin we've just left, only to find us sittin out there so we were (FINALLY, FINALLY) let in. Went into the .. room thingy? Sat there, cracked jokes about every damn shit .. playing with party hats, or what we thought them to be, commenting about again, every damn shit, bitching about the rude horrid nurse. Well anyway we got chased out after a while coz the doc finally came to see her after 3 antagonizing hours or sth. Waited by the ER (Equiptment Room HEEHEEHEE!) and outside a Damage Room thingamagig which probably held tornadoes and quicksand and what have you to quickly dispose off anyone and classify the death under "natural deaths" ha ha ha. Promptly got chased off again to the Quiet Room coz we were prolly too noisy.

Got fannoyed by the loud ticking of the clock and also the darn siren sounding thing which was weird coz it just seemt as if the ambulances left their sirens in the Quiet Room or somethin aye. Was just this constant ticking/sirening FANNOYING noise so we left to look for Thian Chee again, only to find the acute pain in her tummy was gone gone gone! Amazing! Sat around, zoned out more, cracked more jokes, recited from Comedy Central (how handy!), kept going "Oh my God! !xoBile!" and finally it was 7am and off we went for our much awaited Macas breakkie.

Kiwi breakkie at Macas was so oily and satisfying especially when you're so crap hungry tired and dying aye. Slept at Macas till roundabouts half past 8 when we went to check back on our dear flattie and there she was, changing outta the "Hopspital Property" pjs and ready to be discharged. So I still don't really know what was up with her but she's out and yaaaaay. That silly girl has gone grocery shopping like immediately after comin home so Yet Tyng's gone with her in case she faints halfway or somethin, and even tho she's still wearing the tag that says 136 Albany with our home phone and everything .. why take chances huh.

And within minutes of being discharged, she's so keen on going back in coz she was just crossing the roads without lookin out for traffic which was mighty dangerous! Am extremely pooped now having not slept at all .. church's at St David today and isn't until approx a quart of an hour. Darren's fast asleep on my bed so Imma get him up now and we're off. DEAD TIRED.

All for the love of our dear flattie <3

Feel better soon anyways Thian Chee and what would I do without Darren <3<3

136Albany yaaaaaay!

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Monday, May 30

This is bleddy nuts! I just came home, drenched from the rain, only to jump into what seemt like a hot shower .. which shortly turned cold within 2 minutes even tho the knob was turned to the hottest. So I had this amazingly cold shower, after freezing and dying in the rain.

BUT!! Got outta the shower to a hot steamy mug of hot chocolate on my desk .. thanks to me dearest flattie <3<3 made with heaps of love! Yaaaaaay :D

And on a brighter note too, we discovered who stole our recyling bin! Awoke to a text from ZhiLing this morning that said: Muahahahaha! It's payback time ... 132 stole our bin.

Which was pretty darned hilarious, coz it's just STUPID to steal your neighbour's bin, I mean you could've taken someone else's bin from another street, they might never notice. But not when you've blatently stolen your neighbour's bin and facing the add to their door, that's so like screaming out to us: HEY LOOK I STOLE YOUR BIN. It's funny! So when I got home this afternoon, my flatties were contemplating dumping their recyclable goods outside their doorstep and taking our bin back, coz the recycling truck had yet to come. But that was evil coz they had bloody HEAPS and besides that'd just make it real hard for the men. Few minutes later they came home sneakily with the bin and a BIG WIDE GRIN :D*

And ... I just found out the bin has a name too! Very apt and punny, just like every other thing in our flat. Ali bin Mohammad. LOL WTH. Vacuum cleaner's Siti coz directly translated's xi di or somethin .. suck floor? Um funny. My flatties are so punny!

Cooked the most horrible lunch this afternoon too. For some reason I've been cooking horrid lunches recently which really kills my apetite coz I just feel like dying eating the crap ("How do you know what crap tastes like?" Haha no shit .. the word 'crap' has a whole new meaning to it now I wouldn't go near it aye.). Promptly went for coffee with Darren at the Link after which really made my day after crappy lunch. Yay! Mochachinno and marshmellows ahoy :D

Flying Squid's doing bloody well. 10 past 8 last night and we were their last customers for the day coz they were closing early COZ they ran outta chips. How cool's that?! Knowing your business' so good you run outta chips. ALL kinds of chips too, even the cauli and parsnip and what have you. WOW. So YetTyng and I got out apple fritters and Squid man got me more than I asked for I think he likes me! Hahaha nah I'm kiddin. They tend to give you more stuffs if you're a regular and being 136Albany cool people .. ;) Nuff said.

So for some reason, the Link was really packed today we couldn't even find a tiny place for us so we had to sit outside the building, which was pretty chilly but all the same. Guess who should come but majikan and wife! Handed out discount coupons for their lil cafe heehee. Exam offer it is! But majikan and wife are cool :D Good mudpie sammiches too. ^^ And coffee.

Am so darn sick of cookin already. I've been cooking rubbish lately and that really sucks. It's like eitha I've run outta stuffs to cook or I just simply can't be stuffed aye. RAAAAAH! So takeaway from Asian on Saturday was really awesome aye. Ok then again it's prolly the company, as it always is. "Food is just an excuse" haha.

Can't wait for finals to be over. Sem 1 to be over. Wheeeeeeee :D


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